
Jan 7, 2025    Erin Morris

Joseph's family is marked by dysfunction, deceit, and manipulation. However, in the midst of sin, Joseph's father, Jacob models obedience and reverence for the Lord that help mold Joseph's understanding of God and what He requires of those who follow Him. Join us for session one as we behold the grace of God that can work in any life surrendered to Him, regardless of past baggage or mistakes.

Verses Used:

Genesis 27:33-38, 41

Genesis 28:13-15

Genesis 32:11-12

Genesis 35:1-4

Deuteronomy 10:12-13

Discussion Questions:

1. Describe the dysfunction of Joseph' family and the ways in which it may have impacted family relationships? What good things did Joseph model for his family?

2. What are patterns (good or bad) that were modeled for you in your family? Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. How does this verse apply to you as you try to throw off past baggage and walk as a new creation in Christ?

3. Consider your own life. What does your life model for others?

4. We are called, like Jacob, to walk forward in obedience even when it's frightening. What keeps you from doing so? Why should you care to obey even when it's hard, and how can you implement radical obedience that continues forward despite difficulty or fear?

5. God called Jacob to get rid of idols and serve Him alone. What idols do you see in society? What idols do you battle in your own life?