Kids: Giving

Oct 25, 2020    Kristy Motte & Ashley Law

Alright doer - keep it up! Hopefully your relationship with God has been growing and you feel His leading in your life. Keep pressing into His Word. Pursue Him faithfully and often in prayer. Rub shoulders with other believers through fellowship and keep one another sharp. Praise God boldly for who He is and what He has done.

Word of warning doers: God does not just want our actions. He wants our heart. Do not get caught up going through the motions of doing and lose sight of why you are doing all of these things in the first place. We do because we love God and belong to Him. In our doing, our hearts are what matter most to God.

As we learned about worship, we saw that worshiping God helps set our hearts on Him. This helps us make sure that our doing is motivated by a heart that wants to honor and glorify the Lord. This week, we will see that part of our worship is giving to God.

Sometimes giving does not come easily. The Word of God will remind us all week that where we give shows what we value and where our trust is. Giving is a quick check up of where our heart truly lies. Matthew 6:21 says, Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

We worship God as living sacrifices. This is done through our choices, our attitudes, and our outpouring of praise. But our sacrifice does not stop there. Living sacrifices are obedient in generous giving. We give to God because we love Him. We give to God because it is all His in the first place. We give to God because we know He can move powerfully in the lives of others when we give.