Abide: Guard Yourselves

May 16, 2023    Erin Morris

John concludes his letter by urging us to pray for those we see sinning. He then reminds his readers that the world lies in the power of the evil one, but we have nothing to fear because God Himself guards and keeps us. His parting command urges as believers, us to guard ourselves from idols and cling to the true God and eternal life we have in Christ, His Son.

Verses Used:

1 John 5:16-17

Psalm 32:3-5, 1-2

John 8:23-24

1 John 5:17-21

Ephesians 2:1-7

2 Timothy 1:13-14

Discussion Questions:

1. What are we called to do for a brother or sister who is caught in is and how should we treat him or her?

2. If all unrighteousness is sin, how can we actively be in the fight to pursue righteousness? What assurance do we have that, though we sin, we will be forgiven and on what basis? (1 John 1:9)

3. What is idolatry? Can you share areas of idolatry in which you have struggled? (misplaced worship, sin, false doctrines, etc.)

4. Why is it important to guard ourselves from idols?

5. If we identify an area of idolatry in our lives, what should we do about it? How can we actively fight against it and place it in its proper place?