
May 11, 2022    Michael Fitzgerald

After a disciple believes in Jesus, they get to know his commands through His Word. Psalm 119 shows us that staying pure, or navigating the path that goes God’s way, requires a passion for Scripture – learning it, studying it, loving it, and even memorizing it. So what makes Scripture so critical for God’s followers?

Discussion Questions:
1. On a scale of 1 to 10…. What percentage of your free time is spent in God’s word? Using the same scale How would you currently rate your thirst to learn more about God? Explain your answer.
2. Do you avoid reading the Bible because you are afraid it might shed light on darkness in your life? Explain your answer and what convictions are you currently facing?
3. God created us to have a relationship with Him and He has given us His word to not only communicate with us but also to transform us. How have you experienced His transformation in your life through His word?
4. What habits can you establish to have more time in God’s word?