Money and Possessions

Mar 13, 2019    Neil Thompson

Jesus uses the story of the rich man with fertile land to teach about money and possessions. This mans focus was building bigger barns and accumulating more things. His focus was on money and possessions, not on his relationship with the Lord. The Bible has a lot to say about money and possessions and the focus is never on these things, but how we deal with them in our life. Do we allow them to interfere with our relationship with the Lord or do we use them to show His glory. No matter how much you have or don’t have money and possessions ,even in the smallest amount, can turn you away from the Lord and put the focus on getting more things. We must not allow this to happen in our life and sometimes that means walking away from everything we have. But when we do this the Lord will ALWAYS provide what we need and will often exceed what we once had.