The Enemy's Strategies
All summer, we’re breaking down what it means to live Battle Ready using Ephesians 6:10-18. So far, we’ve seen-
We’re in a spiritual battle (vs. 13) so we must live battle ready
The battle is the Lord’s, so we stand firm in his power (vs. 10)
We are to resist our enemy, who is Satan
For the next few weeks, we’re going to focus on the strategies of Satan mentioned in Ephesians 6:11.
A heart that truly wants to know the Rescuer will always find Him (Jer. 29:13). Turn to Him today and ask Him to remove the spiritual blinders erected by the enemy. As He reveals Himself to you, put your faith in Him as Savior and Lord, and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
1. Read 2nd Corinthians 4:3-4 | and answer the following questions
-Does the message of the cross seem foolish to you? Why or why not?
-In what ways is Satan blinding your mind to the Gospel (the good news)
-Why do you think Satan wants to blind you from the Gospel?
-Why is the Gospel good news?
2. What strategies is the enemy currently using on you? Do you recognize them and how do you differentiate them?
3. What are you currently doing to combat the schemes of the enemy?