Youth - Unstoppable Allegiance
Week Six: Jason and the other believers are turned on by their community. Rather than deny knowing Paul and Silas orJesus, Jason pays a fine and accepts the cost to his own reputation. He shows his Unstoppable Allegiance to Christ, no matter the cost, because ultimately, his citizenship is in Heaven.
Allegiance is defined as: devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause… Would you say your allegiance is devoted to serving Jesus or is it devoted to what you enjoy the most/spend the majority of your time (school, sports, work, gaming etc)?
Give an average amount of time spent per week. Of you free time, after eating, sleeping, school and work,
how much time do you spend devoting yourself to the Lord (reading, praying, fasting, tithing, attending church, sharing the gospel, serving the body of Christ, etc…)?
How much time do you spend fulfilling your fleshly desires(hobbies, gaming, sports, hanging out, etc…)?
What does this show you about where you allegiance is?
Do others around you see your allegiance to Jesus or something else? Why: be specific?
If we live for ourselves, we might avoid seeming crazy or different to avoid embarrassment. Do you ever hide your faith or try to fit in? In those moments, where is your allegiance?