Self Sabotage
Sep 25, 2021 • Lisa McGill
We live in a culture inundated with messages about who we should be and how we should think. Everywhere we turn there are marching orders about how to act, what to wear, who to follow, and what our priorities should be. But… are any of these orders from our true Commanding Officer? Who are we actually following? Who do we allow to speak into our lives and define our priorities as a woman, wife, and/or mom? If we follow the world’s ideas of who we should be, how does that impact us? Join us as we learn how we can keep from sabotaging ourselves with the insecurity and discontentment that these voices breed.
Verses Used:
2 Kings 17: 33, 36, 41
Matthew 22:37; 5:6
1 John 1:9
Isaiah 32:17
Romans 10:9