Esther Chapter 5
1. God is never mentioned by name is this story, however, He is definitely present on each page. Where have you especially seen Him and His character so far?
2. Do we see the places God has placed us, the difficult places particularly, as an opportunity? The difficult rooms we walk into...? What gets in the way of us seeing the bigger picture? Anger, resentment, bitterness, malice unforgiveness?
3. Do we boldly come on behalf of the deliverance of others? How can more bravely and boldly come into the thrown room? Do we have those in mind we would come on behalf of?
4. Proverbs 31:26 says she opens her mouth with wisdom and the teachings of kindness is in her tongue. What does wisdom and discernment mean to you and how can we use it? What has His Word said to you about it in the past?
5. Are there areas we may be building our own small towers?