Did God actually say?

Feb 6, 2022

I remember having questions like
• Is there actually only one God?
• Is Jesus really the only way to salvation?
• Is Bible really God’s Word?

Sometimes I would even waver in my faith, wondering if any of this religious stuff was true. But I say “remember” intentionally because I no longer wonder these questions. “Why,” you ask? Because the Word of God has answered them.  

Every day we face temptations from Satan to question the truth of God’s Word. He uses the lust of our flesh to entice us and drag us away into sin so that we can follow him into eternal death. Just like when the serpent came to Eve in the Garden of Eden, Satan comes to tempt us by asking us, “Did God actually say…?” When we take time to consider Satan’s words and doubt the Word of God, we are dragged into sin. But are we bound to this cycle of temptation—sin—death? Are we bound to repeat this till the day we die or can we be free? Can we be confident in the Word of God and be freed from doubt that leads to the bondage to sin? 

I wonder if Satan were to come to you like he did Eve and ask you, “Did God actually say?” Would you know if God said it or would you find yourself confused and being dragged into sin?

Join us today as we examine how Satan tempts us and how the Word of God teaches we can overcome this temptation to sin against the Word of God. 

Key Scriptures: 1 John 4:1, Genesis 3, Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 10:5, Psalm 119:11