Teen Talk - Biblical Essentials - Salvation

Mar 10, 2021    Michael Fitzgerald

Last week, we explored the problem of sin in depth. It robs us of fulfilling our purpose, it separates us from God, and it leads to physical and spiritual death. But God loved His precious creation far too much to leave us lost and hopeless in our sin. He provided a way of rescue from the penalty for our sin. Paul says it this way-

Romans 7:24b-25a | Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

This week, we’ll explore the most important essential yet- Salvation.

Essential #9 - Salvation is God’s gift to mankind, one that we could never earn or deserve, made possible through Jesus’ shed blood on the cross. We are made right in God’s sight, the punishment for our sin paid in full, when we put our faith in Jesus. The believer is made a new creation that should continue to grow more and more like Christ.


Think of a time you received a gift that you didn’t deserve. Now think about the gift God has given you in our savior Jesus. Why would God provide a way for us to be saved, even though we don’t deserve it? 
Why is the cross a critical part of the gospel or good news of salvation? Why is the Resurrection, or Jesus raising from the dead, also important? 
Once we have accepted Christ into our hearts, we are to continue growing in the Lord (just like our theme verse says). Since we started this biblical essentials series, do you feel like you are growing? Have you graduated from spiritual milk? If not, how can we help?
Are you being discipled and making disciples?
If you do not feel this way, what is holding you back? Have you accepted Jesus to be Lord of your life?