Pitfalls of Pride
Proverbs 13:10a says "Pride leads to strife" - this is certainly true not only in our marriage relationship but also with our relationship with God. How can we identify what pride looks like and be able to instead turn to humility in these relationships. Jesus sets the example and humbles himself on the cross for us, how can we humble ourselves as well?
Discussion Questions:
1. Read Romans 12:3 How can this help you in your marriage relationship?
2. Humility can be applied internally to our marriage but also externally to those around us - How can being humble as a couple help others to come to Christ
3. When there is a dispute (friendly disagreement) in our marriage what are the effects of pride? Humility?
4. Talk about some ways that Jesus demonstrated humility during his ministry here on earth
5. How can understanding our temptation for pride help us be more humble?
Daniel 4:28-37
Mark 7:21-23
James 4:4-7
Proverbs 13:10
Romans 12:3
1 Corinthians 1:27-31