
Mar 16, 2022    Michael Fitzgerald

We’ve examined so many flawed heroes - men and women that God used to rescue His people and to lead them back to following Him. All of the judges we’ve looked at were flawed— fallible people who struggled with sin just like you and me. Some of them followed God wholeheartedly and others fell away from him, just like many of the kings who would come after them. God’s choice to use them reminded us over and over again of our theme verse—

1st Corinthians 1:27 | Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

The weaknesses or flaws of these heroes remind us of the strength of God and further highlight the perfection of our final judge. After this judge, no other judge would be needed. This judge would be the final rescuer and He came with a clear mission:

Luke 19:10 | For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.

The “lost” are those who have not been rescued, or made right in God’s sight, and are still living separated from God because of their sin. That sin and separation results in death—

Romans 6:23a | For the wages of sin is death…

Each person’s eternity— whether they died rescued and will spend it with God in Heaven or died lost and will spend it apart from Him in Hell— will be determined when Jesus conducts His final judgment.