Who's in control?
Sometimes the world we live in can seem out of control. These are times when we need to rely on God's strength, encouragement, and His Word. Join Nick and Kelly Latta for this week's message on "Who is in control when things seem out of control".
Discussion Questions for you and your spouse to go over this week!
1. What are some tangible ways you and your spouse can battle together when worry and fear creep in maybe this week or in the future? Make this your battle plan!
2. Marriages are under attack by the enemy. Maybe your marriage is under attack at this very moment or maybe you are in a season of blessing and fruit. Read with your spouse Ephesians 6: 10-17. These verses describe the armor of God. Read and discuss what God reveals to you through these verses to fight your battle now, or arm yourselves for the next battle the enemy throws at you.
3. Discuss with your spouse at least one way you can serve the Lord this week together. Maybe it is calling someone that God has put on your mind. Maybe it is serving a neighbor that is in need, maybe it’s bringing someone groceries or a meal, or using a time when you are at the store to disciple to someone. Whatever it is, serve our mighty God together!