
Oct 13, 2022

“To Validate or Confirm”
Romans 12:15 | Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn
When we affirm young people’s feelings, we give them a sense of authenticity. Their feelings communicate their reality.
How to affirm your child
• Affirming starts with listening
• Affirm your child’s feelings before you deal with any resulting behavior.

Comforting them • Is
• •

• Feeling their hurt and sorrow with them
• Communicating “I recognize that what you are going through and feeling is
very real to you.” Is not
• A pep talk to ‘hang in there,’ ‘brush it off,’ ‘not let it affect you’
• An attempt to explain (e.g., why bad things happen to people or resulted from
their action)
• Saying “I know just what you are going through”
• Correcting with Scripture (that comes AFTER!). Meet the distraction of the
emotional need so you can then handle the spiritual one. James 2:15-17 Affirming allows you to know why your child chose to do what they did.
Affirming allows you to choose the right course of action for dealing with the issue