Approach Their World

Mar 9, 2023    Brian Motte, Kristy Motte



• Come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance or time. • Love does not demand its own way [1st Corinthians 13:5]

• All things to all people [1 Corinthians 9:19-23]

It communicates

• Your interest in them

• Your friendship with them

• How you value them

• The importance they have in your life • How you accept who they are

• They are a priority to you


• Spend time with your children/teens

• Ask good questions - Refer back to the availability lesson for question ideas

• Take your kids on one on one dates. Plan things to do with them that they enjoy

Schedule dates

• Surprise them with things you know they would like • Involve them in the planning

Impromptu - Find every day tasks that they can join you on and make part of it for them.

• Grocery shopping - get a coffee or a slushie

• Go to work with you - Make them a special place in your office, or get them

something special they will enjoy to do while at the office.

• Cooking dinner - Let them pick what to cook, or help with a specific part