Jesus' Life

Apr 6, 2022    Michael Fitzgerald

Last week we saw that life is full of crossroads— places where we have the choice to follow the path that leads to the cross (God’s way) or the one that leads away from it. Sometimes the choice is easy, but other times, doing what is right is really difficult. We must remember to make the most of the opportunity because it may be what points another person to Jesus.

Ephesians 5:16 | Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.

How would you define selfishness? How would you define being tenderhearted and compassionate?
Are your daily actions “ME” focused or are they “OTHERS” focused? Explain what that looks like and why.
How do you think your parents, friends, peers in school, church community, would categorize you? Why?
Philippians 2:5 tells us “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had”. How can you look to the examples Jesus set at the crossroads you face? (Use Mark 12:29-31 and Philippians 2:1-13 as a guide)