Make the Most

Mar 27, 2022    Michael and Ali Fitzgerald

What’s the last choice you made? Each choice we make is preceded by an opportunity. It’s a crossroads where you must decide which direction you’ll travel next.

Some of these crossroads are of little spiritual consequence — Will you follow the road that leads to another episode of your favorite show or extra sleep? Will you eat an apple or a bag of chips?

But spiritually speaking, God fills our days with opportunities that are a crossroad where we must decide — will I point someone to Jesus in this moment or will I hide my light? Should I close my eyes and pray before I eat my lunch in front of others or should I just pray in a way no one notices? When someone shares a struggle with me, should I stop and share the hope of Christ with them or should I just tell them I hope the situation gets better? When my boss asks me to do something that is ethically questionable, should I do it or speak up for what God says is right?

In many opportunities, taking the road that leads to the cross and points others to Jesus is not easy! It might feel awkward, tempt you to feel embarrassed, or even cost you a friend, job, or personal pleasure. But the crossroad is a critical moment where we have an opportunity to do what God has called us to do.

Join us for the entire series to make the most of every opportunity (Ephesians 5:16)!