
Apr 22, 2021    Todd & Lisa Deering

In this teaching, you will be shown that last part of the PROCESS on how to study the Bible.
Comprehension: "What does the text say?"
Interpretation: "What does the text mean?"
Application: "What does the text teach me about God? How should it change me?"

Make sure to download the Overview of our study process and the printed Scripture passage, 1 Peter 1:1-5.

1 Peter 1:1-5

Is there anything new you learned during this teaching?

Were there any questions that came up in this passage that you would like to have answered, or know more about?

Do you have any Bible study tips for the group? Best practices? Tools you use?

What things do you and your spouse do to make time to spend reading the Word together? If this is an opportunity for improvement in your marriage, what can you do to spend more time in His Word?

End your small group by having someone read next week's verses 1 Peter 6-12 out loud to the group. If time permits, have someone else read the same verses in a different version.

SERIES DESCRIPTION: Have you ever felt that the Bible was difficult to read or understand? In this "Devoted" series, we will learn together how to study and mine treasures from the Bible using a simple process anyone can learn, and apply that process to Scripture that we will read and study together. This is so important in our marriages, because as we grow closer to God and His Word, we grow closer to one another.