Sent to Rome

Nov 19, 2024    Angela McAlister

A steadfast believer, Paul lived a redeemed life in all seasons, facing persecution, imprisonment, beatings, and even shipwreck. He was unwavering in the mission God had set before him. Join us for session eleven as we reflect on our own lives. Do we share Paul's determination in our mission even through seasons of testing?

Verses Used:

Acts 20:24

Colossians 1:13-14

Acts 27:7-8

Acts 27:33-36

Acts 27:25

Discussion Questions:

What was the journey to Rome like? (See Acts 27:4, 7-9, 14-15, 18-20)

Have you had seasons of your life that felt like you were being violently tossed about and you despaired of being delivered from it? What emotions did you experience? How did those seasons impact your faith?

Read Psalm 107:28-30. How did God act when the people cried out to Him? How have you seen this to be true following times of trial?

How does Paul refer to himself in Ephesians 4:1 and 6:20?

Regardless of his circumstances Paul continues to be an ambassador of the gospel. Are you willing to do the same? When do we struggle to be ambassadors for Christ and how can we better represent Him in every situation, regardless of how difficult it is?