2 Timothy 3:1-9

Apr 30, 2019    Diane Clift

In this section of 2 Timothy, Paul talks about people who outwardly look godly, but aren't godly inside. How can we be sure that we don't just have the appearance of godliness, but we acutally bear real fruit as believers in Christ? Paul also warns to be on guard against those who would seek to deceive us by twisting the truth. What things help us discern what is true? How can we be sure we won't be led astray? Join us as we continue our study of 2 Timothy and learn the answers to those questions and more.


· Where do you see “difficult times” these days?
· What does “godliness” look like to you?
· Do you think people would look at you and know you are a follower of Jesus Christ?
· How are you sharpening your weapons? Do you have a plan? Do you meet with anyone on a regular basis to discuss how God is working in your life?