2 Timothy 2:11-16

Apr 10, 2019    Erin Morris

The Bible calls us to be an "approved workman." What does it look like to be an approved workman that is able to understand what the Bible says and explain that to others? Listen to this message and discover what things we should do, shouldn't do and what our lives will look like if we are to be pleasing to God.

1. What does an “approved workman” do? (See 2 Timothy 2:14-16)
2. What does it mean to accurately handle the Word of truth?
3. What are things we should avoid if we are going to be an “approved workman?” (See 2 Timothy 2:14-16)
4. How can we recognize false teaching and what should be our response to it? (2 Timothy 2:15-16)
5. The Bible encourages us to be an “approved workman” that studies out Scripture and abstains from sin. The implication is we will either be an approved workman who does this, or an ashamed workman who does not. Which one are you? How can we take steps to become and remain “approved workman?”