Jesus' Crossroads: His Death
Last week, we examined some of the crossroads Jesus experienced during His human life. Even though going God’s way would cost Him notoriety, pleasure, and ultimately, His life, at the crossroad, He chose the path that led straight to the cross. In fact, we’ll see this week that the road to the cross was actually paved with many more crossroads— moments where Jesus could have done it all differently by going His way instead of the way of His Father. As we look at crossroads surrounding Jesus’ death, they are all difficult - emotionally or physically painful. So why would Jesus choose to endure God’s way at each and every fork in His path?
Family Discussion:
What crossroads did Jesus face during the events leading up to His death?
How was taking the road that leads to the cross, or going God’s way, difficult in Jesus’ situations?
Why did Jesus endure so many awful situations instead of using