Paul's Travels
What’s the last choice you made?
Each choice we make is preceded by an opportunity. It’s a crossroads where you must decide which direction you’ll travel next.
Spiritually speaking, God fills our days with opportunities that are a crossroad where we must decide — will I point someone to Jesus in this moment or will I hide my light?
In the book of Acts Paul travels and shares the good news of Jesus all over the place! There are people who don’t like his message so they stir up trouble for him everywhere he goes. This happens just before where we pick up today. The believers there in Berea send Paul out of town quickly to keep him safe. In the rush of things, Paul ends up in Athens and that’s where we join him today.
Family Discussion:
What crossroad was Paul at in Athens when he saw the altar to the unknown god?
How did Paul make the most of the opportunity he had in Athens?
Have you ever had an opportunity like Paul did - where you could use something about a person or their situation to share the gospel? What did you do as a response?
What opportunities might you have [to point others to Jesus] today? This week? Ask the Lord to give you boldness at the crossroads so that you don’t hide your light and instead, you use the moment to point others to Christ.