God wants us to be surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ as we do life together as husband and wife. The Body of Christ offers opportunities to serve, grow, and be accountable to others. Join us this week as we discuss marriage and community.
Exodus 18:17-18
Numbers 11:14-17
Galatians 2:11-14
James 4:4
1st Corinthians 5:9-10
Luke 5:17-20
Matthew 19:26
Romans 12:10-11
1. Which of the 3 categories that were discussed tonight do you find yourself or your marriage in? If one of the first 2, what's keeping you from the 3rd category?
2. Read Revelation 3:15-16. How do these verses relate to the compromisers? Should this be a warning to any of us not surrounding ourselves with those who lift us up?
3. Read 1st Corinthians 15:33. How often do we consider this before we surround ourselves with non-believers? Before we consult "the world" for advice?
4. Look at the examplesfrom Moses and Peter, it can be easy for even the faithful to get off track at times. How can who we surround ourselves with either positively or negatively impact us?