Extraordinary: Series Introduction Video

Jan 1, 2023

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." Galatians 2:20

Our marriages are to be holy and set apart, an example to our friends and family, and the the world, of the same love that Jesus Christ has for His people. This love is sacrificial and forgiving, humble and gracious.

But is this kind of marriage possible here on earth? The answer is a resounding YES! The Bible holds the answers and gives us the prescription for the best relationship with our spouses, it gives us wisdom for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and gives our marriages direction and an eternal purpose.

We hope you and your spouse will join us for the "Extraordinary" Bible study! This foundational marriage series begins on Thursday, January 12th at 7PM in the main building auditorium. Childcare is provided.