When You Pray Session 1
Sep 7, 2021
Jesus begins teaching us about prayer by calling us first to examine our hearts. Are they clean before the Lord or are they full of hypocrisy and pride? Do our prayers come from a sincere heart or do we fall into the trap of praying meaningless repetitions? Join us for session one of our study: When You Pray as we examine the proper posture with which we ought to approach God in prayer.
Verses Used:
Proverbs 16:5
Psalm 139:1-6
Matthew 6:5-8
Matthew 23:24-28
Zechariah 7:5
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the definition of a hypocrite?
2. Are there any areas in which you struggle with hypocrisy in your prayer life?
3. What should be the heart behind prayer?
4. What is the purpose of prayer?
5. What is your biggest struggle with prayer?