When You Pray Session 5

Oct 5, 2021    Diane Clift

"Your Kingdom come" is just a three word statement, seemingly very simple, but in actuality it is much more impactful than we may realize. Are we truly willing to pray those words? Do we understand the implications of praying such a prayer? Join us for session five as we discover the importance of this small, but powerful phrase..

Verses Used:
Romans 8:26
1 Chronicles 29:11
Daniel 5:27
Isaiah 51:12-15
Philippians 1:27

Discussion Questions:
1. Matthew 6:10 says, “Your Kingdom come.” What is God’s Kingdom? (Revelation 21 & 22)
2. What does it mean to live under God’s authority? How does living under God’s authority impact how we respond to earthly authority?
3. How is God's Kingdom better than earthly kingdoms and how does knowing this is our destiny give us hope day to day?
4. How can we further God's Kingdom here on earth?
5. How do we at times serve our own kingdoms or a worldly kingdom instead of God’s?
6. How have you seen God use prayer in your life this week?