Forged Through Struggle - Intro
This week on our discussion of “how our identity is formed,” we discuss the principle that we see in Scripture—“IDENTITY IS FORMED THROUGH STRUGGLE.” We examine scriptures where this principle is explained and read example after example of this principle demonstrated through the lives of men and women in the Bible.
Principles Passages that explain principles of identity forged through STRUGGLE
James 1:2-4—God teaches through trials
James 1:12-18—How temptation destroys us
James 2:14-26—Faith shown by action
Psalm 119:7-16—How we learn to have faith
Romans 1:18-32—God allows us to make our own choices
Hebrews 11—By faith through struggle people were made right with God
Men and women in the bible who have had THEIR identity formed through STRUGGLE
Godly Identity Proven
Genesis 12:1-4—Follow me and I will show you
Genesis 22:1-19—Sacrifice the promised son I gave you
Judges 6—Gideon has doubts but still obeys God’s commands
Jonah 2—Jonahs struggle in the fish cause him to call out to God
Sinful Identity Proven
Jonah 1—Runs from God when he hears him
Matthew 26:31-35; 69-75—Jesus predicts denial, Peter says he won’t, Peter denies him 3 times