Forged Through Relationship- Wrap-up
Identity is forged through—RELATIONSHIPS
This week on our discussion of “how our identity is formed,” we discuss the principle that we see in Scripture—“IDENTITY IS FORMED THROUGH RELATIONSHIPS.” We examine scriptures where this principle is explained and read example after example of this principle demonstrated through the lives of men and women in the Bible.
Passages that explain principles of identity forged through RELATIONSHIPS
Hebrews 10:15-18 — I will write my laws on my peoples heart
Matthew 6:19-24 — Cannot serve 2 masters
John 8:31-59 — You cannot understand me because you are of your father the devil
Galatians 1:6-10—Am I seeking to please man or God?
Matthew 4:18-20—Follow me and I will make you fishers of men
Matthew 28:18-20 — Discipleship = Teaching through Relationship
1 Corinthians 11:1—Follow me as I follow Christ
1 Corinthians 15:33-34 — Bad company corrupts good morals
Men and women in the bible who have had there identity formed through RELATIONSHIPS
Genesis 1:26-27 — Mankind's identity—Image of God
Genesis 2 — Women's Identity—Eve is a Help meet
Genesis 3:1-7 — Eve leads Adam to sin and death
Romans 5:12 — All of us have sinned because of our relationship to Adam
Jonah 1 & 4—Runs from the people because he hates them
Ruth 1—Ruth dedicating her life to Naomi even when freed from her covenant
Daniel 6—King Darius is forced to attempt to kill his real friend
Genesis 4—Cain murders his brother because he doesn’t love God any more
1 Samuel 7:12-15—David son of Jesse