Forged Through The Word - Wrap-up

Jun 26, 2020    Brian Motte & Michael Fitzgerald

Identity is forged through—WORD OF GOD

This week on our discussion of “how our identity is formed,” we discuss the principle that we see in Scripture—“IDENTITY IS FORMED THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD.” We examine scriptures where this principle is explained and read example after example of this principle demonstrated through the lives of men and women in the Bible.

Passages that explain principles of identity forged through THE WORD OF GOD
Psalm 1, Psalm 119:11, Romans 12:1-2 — The Word changes you
Matthew 4:1-17, Hebrews 12:2 — Jesus uses the word
Galatians 1:10, Psalm 8:4 — God determines value and worth
Romans 5:8, John 3:1-21, Philippians 2:6-11 — God determines we are worth dying for
2 Corinthians 5:16-17—new creation

Men and women in the bible who have had there identity formed through THE WORD OF GOD
Judges 6:11-16, Matthew 3:13-17—God determines worth
John 4, John 8:1-11, Matthew 9: 10-12 — Jesus does not recognize worldly labels
Genesis 17, Genesis 32:22-32, Matthew 16:13-20 — God changes names
Genesis 15:1-6, Genesis 16:1-5, Exodus 4:1-17, Exodus 32 — Disbelief messes things up