As Moses grows older and sees the iniquity of his people he lashes out, murders an Egyptian and flees to the land of Midian. It is here that he would meet his wife, have his first child, and meet the God of his fathers in a burning bush. It is here that God reveals Himself to Moses as the "I AM," the One above all, the One who has always been and always will be. Moses will see God's power and go back to lead the people as God's instrument of deliverance.
Exodus 2:11-3:14
Exodus 2:11-15
Exodus 3:2-11
Romans 14:11
Philippians 2:10-11
Exodus 3:11-14
John 8:24
John 8:28
John 8:51
John 8:58
Discussion Questions:
Ice breaker (optional): what song or place reminds you of when you & your spouse first met?
1. Read Exodus 6:7 - What are some burdens that Jesus delivers us from today compared to the burdens the Hebrews were under in Egypt.
2. How does knowing that your marriage covenant is a promise to God change your view on marriage?
3. Do you remember a time you felt like a “sojourner in a foreign land” but God used you anyways?
4. Have you ever had a “burning bush” moment when God called you to do something that made you uncomfortable?
5. How do we know if the calling we feel is truly from the Lord? How can we confirm it is the Lord’s will?
6. Extra credit - if your spouse doesn’t catch you drinking from the milk jug is it still a sin?