I AM the Passover Lamb

Feb 6, 2025    Todd Deering

Pharoah had been warned, he had been shown the mighty hand of God and yet hardened his heart and would not bend to God's will. In this tenth and final plague God would demonstrate his righteous anger and judgement on Egypt in the same way Pharoah tried hurt God's people - through the death of every firstborn. But, God would give a way for the Israelites to be saved from this judgement through the blood of the Passover Lamb. In this great foreshadowing of God's judgement on the sin of mankind, a symbol of Jesus Christ is shown to be the salvation of those who would believe.

Discussion Questions:

Ice Breaker (optional): If you were a farmer, what type of animal would you raise?


1. What differences do you notice between this plague and the plagues that have preceded it? 

2. Can you think of a family member or friend that is lost that you wish would come to repentance How can you intentionally reach them with the Gospel?

3. When you think about the fate of those who are "not under the blood," how does it help you appreciate what the Lord has done for you?

4. Read Exodus 12:31-32 - How is Pharaoh’s response different in this plague? 

5. Read Romans 14:11 - How is this a picture of how all people will respond at the final judgment?