I AM Your Rescuer

Feb 13, 2025    Mike McLeod

After 400 years in bondage the Israelites will finally be set free from Egypt. In a great act of God's fulfillment of His plan through trial, they would leave Egypt with all of the wealth and provision of their oppressors. This was God's great rescue operation in action, finally delivering the people from their old lives of slavery and into a new life of following the Lord.


Exodus 12:33-36, 40-41

Genesis 15:13-14

1 Timothy 2:3-4

Exodus 1:8-11

Psalm 23:3

John 10:10

Philippians 4:6-7

Matthew 19:16-22

Exodus 12:35-36

Discussion Questions:

Ice breaker: Besides Jesus, who is your favorite person in the Bible and why?

1. What things in your life do you consider to be part of your identity and why can these things be dangerous to your faith?

2.Has God ever sent a plague into your life ? If so what was it and what was the result in your life?

3.Can you think of another story in the Bible where someone was rescued by God and yet returned to sin? 

4.How do we keep focused on God so we don’t keep falling back into sin?

5.Read Luke 17:11-19 how does this story relate to the message tonight?