As I Have Loved You

Sep 19, 2024    Todd Deering


John 15:12-17

Romans 5:7-8

Hosea 1:2-3

Hosea 3:1-5

1 John 3:16-18

James 2:14-18

Discussion Questions:

Ice Breaker (optional): What is one of the best presents you have ever received from someone else?

1. How does removing other's behavior from how you treat them change your perspective on relationships?

2. Read John 13:1-5 - What attribute does Jesus demonstrate here? How can we apply this kind of humility in our life?

3. When we look to how patient and loving God is toward us, how can this inspire us to better relationships with the people around us?

4. What has Jesus rescued you from that you are thankful for in your life?

5. Consider the most difficult relationship in your life, how would Jesus handle that person if He were in your shoes?