Loving Your Extended Family

Nov 14, 2024    Nick Latta


Genesis 2:24

Genesis 29:18-20, 26-27

Genesis 37:2-4, 8-20

Ephesians 4:25-27

Romans 15:1-3

Romans 5:6-8

Ephesians 4:25

John 14:6

Discussion Questions:


1. Read Genesis 2:22-24 - The inability to do this can be very hard on a marriage at any stage. Why is getting this step correct so crucial to the health of a marriage?


2. So often we can focus on the difficult times. Tell the group about a favorite holiday memory you have.


3. Like in the Joseph story, has there ever been a family situation that was difficult to get through, but turned into something good when it was done? What did this look like?


4. Read Mark 6:1-6 - Sharing the truth of the gospel with family can be difficult. Jesus even discusses it in verse 4. Why is it so hard sometimes to share the gospel with those we love the most?