Ruth: Stay Close
Boaz instructs Ruth to "stay close" as she gleans in the field. By doing so, Ruth was protected and provided for. Spiritually speaking, we are given the same command by the Lord. Why does "staying close" matter, and why is it sometimes difficult to do? Join us for session six as we continue the story of Ruth.
Verses Used:
Ruth 2:17-23
1 John 4:15
Deuteronomy 13:4
John 15:3-11
Philippians 2:15
Joshua 23:6-13
Discussion Questions:
1. Where are you on your spiritual journey? Do you need to get close, are you learning to be close, or are you staying close?
2. Why is it sometimes hard to “stay close” to God?
3. What practical things can we do that would help us stay close to the Lord?
4. What are the greatest distractions or impediments to spending time with the Lord?
5. What is the benefit of staying close to the Lord? What are the consequences of drifting away?