Ruth: Redeem it for Yourself
The moment has finally come for Boaz to act as Ruth's kinsman redeemer and seek to buy back Naomi's land and acquire Ruth as his wife. This passage acts as a direct spiritual parallel to us. Just as Ruth stood far off and was unable to redeem herself, we, too, are spiritually far off and unable to secure our redemption. Join us for session ten as we reflect on the incredible gift of redemption we are granted through the blood of Christ and because of the lavish grace of God.
Verses Used:
Deuteronomy 25:5-6
Ruth 4:1-6
Deuteronomy 25:7-10
Ruth 4:7-8
Discussion Questions:
1. Ruth is a foreigner in the land, also sometimes called an alien or stranger. How is this similar to our status, spiritually speaking, before we know Christ?
2. Why do we stand in need of redemption? What do we need to be redeemed from?
3. What was the purchase price of our redemption?
4. What part did Ruth play in her own redemption process? How is this a direct parallel to our redemption in Christ?
5. God used Boaz as an agent of redemption. Everyone you know has either been redeemed or has not. There is no middle ground. How can we, like Boaz, act as agents of redemption to those around us who may not yet know Christ?