Ruth: The Hand of the Lord is Against Me

Sep 20, 2022    Paula Thorp

In seasons of trial we sometimes feel like our life is nothing more than a barren wasteland and that the hand of the Lord is against us. What truths can we cling to in times like these? How do we continue to walk forward when we feel like giving up? Join us for session two as we examine how to navigate the wastelands of our lives through obedience and surrender.

Verses Used:

Ruth 1:8-14

Psalm 56:8

2 Corinthians 6:4

Psalm 121:1-2

Isaiah 43:19

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your fleshly reaction to wasteland seasons?

2. How do the wasteland seasons impact your relationship with God?

3. What does it look like to walk in surrender in the wastelands of our lives?

4. How have you seen God bring fruit from a wasteland season in the past and what hope does this give you for future seasons of trial?

5. Why is it important to keep pressing into the Lord in difficult times and what practical things can you do to help with this?