Giving & Receiving Godly Counsel
Mar 14, 2024 • Todd & Lisa Deering
Ephesians 5:1
Isaiah 9:6
1 Thessalonians 1:8
1 Peter 1:25
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Matthew 9:36
2 Samuel 12:1-7
Discussion Questions:
Icebreaker (optional): Would you rather live 100 years in the past, or 100 years in the future?
1. What are some reasons why people struggle with receiving godly advice?
2. Do you have someone in our life that you trust to give you godly counsel? If so, what qualities do they have that help you trust them?
3. Share an example from Jesus’ life of how He fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy of being our “Wonderful Counselor”?
4. It can be difficult to confront someone we love about sin in their life. Share some tips that help these conversations to be peaceful and loving.