Christlike Submission
Matthew 26:36-39
Hebrews 12:1-2
Acts 8:1-3
Acts 26:9-11
Acts 26:12-14
Discussion Questions:
Ice breaker (optional) - Your spouse is out of town and you have to fend for yourself. What would you go without because they are not home?
1) Read Ephesians 5:33 - Why is the Bible specific for the husband to love his wife and the wife to respect their husband?
(Hint - Men want to feel respected / Women want to feel loved.)
2) If marriage is easier when we are getting along and working together, then why do we spend time fighting?
3) Have you submitted to God’s will in your marriage? If yes, what are some fruit that came of it? If no, what seems to stop you? (For God’s will on marriage you can read Ephesians 5:24-25.)
4) If the Bible is specific for the wife to submit to their husband (Ephesians 5:22) and the husband to give himself up for his wife (Ephesians 5:25), why is it so hard to do?
5) How can we get better at it?