Imitating God's Patience

Jan 25, 2024    Jeremy Luchenbill

If God extends His patience to humanity, and believers are called to be like Him, He will teach those who ask how to be like Him.


Galatians 5:16-25

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

2 Peter 3:9

Ephesians 4:1-2

Psalm 86:15

Romans 3:25-26

Discussion Questions:

Ice breaker: If you had one adjective floating over your head that describes you, what would it be?

1) How has God shown you patience/forbearance/long-suffering in your walk?

2) Share an example of your spouse showing patience towards you.

3) What gets in the way of you showing patience to your spouse or others?

4) Please read 3John 1:11 - How will Godly patience / forbearance / long-suffering help you imitate Christ?