Drawing Near To God Through Prayer

Apr 4, 2024    Todd Deering


Hebrews 4:14-16

Leviticus 10:1-2

John 11:40-42

Luke 18:1-7

Matthew 6:9-13

Luke 18:9-14


Verses Referenced:

Romans 8:34

Ephesians 3:12

Romans 8:26

Discussion Questions:

Icebreaker (optional): Icebreaker: What other languages do you speak, or what language would you like to learn, and why?

1. What do you do to draw near to God? IE: Time alone in prayer, listening to worship music, listening to preaching, podcasts, Bible reading time, sit in silence, talk with others about God's Word, etc.

2. Read Matthew 26:36-39- When Jesus faced His crucifixion and death, what do you notice about how He prayed to the Father?

3. How has prayer become routine or unreverent in your life?

4. What benefit does praying with your spouse have?

5. Share some tips and tricks centered around prayer in your marriage.