The Deception Of Pride
This week we dig into the shortest book in the old testament - Obadiah. This prophet brings a message of warning to Edom about their pride and through this teaches us as well.
Genesis 25:23-26
Genesis 25:29-34
Genesis 35:10-11
Obadiah 1:3-4
Isaiah 14:13-14
1 John 2:15-17
Romans 12:2
Obadiah 1:7
Obadiah 1:8
James 1:22
Psalm 20:7-8
Obadiah 1:17-18
Discussion Questions:
1. Is it ok to have any pride, how much is too much?
2. Read Proverbs 29:23 and James 4:10
- What does this mean to our marriages, how should we act toward each other?
3. Read James 4:6
- What does this mean about our relationship with God when we are prideful?
4. Read Luke 18:9-14
- Here the Pharisee thinks he is better than the sinners and the tax collector is just
asking for mercy. What does this teach us?
5. How does your marriage display Christ-likeness and what are some areas in which
you need to grow in Christ-likeness?
6. How do you see pride show up in your relationship with your spouse?