Speaking Truth
Mar 5, 2020 • Todd Deering • Minor Prophets
This week we take a look at the minor prophet of Micah and his message to the people in the southern kingdom.
Micah 1:2
Micah 2:1-2
James 4:17
Titus 2:11-12
Micah 3:5
Ephesians 4:25
Micah 5:2-5a
Luke 2:4-7
Discussion Questions:
2. How did you know that your spouse was the one God had for you?
3. In what ways have you seen God work in your marriage and/or spouse?
4. Read 2 Timothy 2:21
How do you want to be supported by your spouse when it comes to the things you struggle with?
5. Read Matthew 5:14-17
HOMEWORK: Make a point to pray daily for your marriage and pray for God’s direction in how to encourage your spouse to be faithful to God and what God has called them to do.