Love That Doesn't Let Go

Jan 9, 2020    Todd Deering    The Minor Prophets

This week’s prophet will be Hosea with a focus on the first 3 chapters of the book. Discussion questions are below.

Hosea 1:2-3
Hosea 2:5
Hosea 2:6
Hosea 2:7
Mathew 19:6
Hosea 2:23
Hosea 3:2-5

1.Malachi 2:16 (NASB Preferred here)
-What does this show about God's stance on divorce (more on this when we study Malachi)
2.Psalm 136:1
-What does this tell us about God's nature toward us as sinners
3.How might you be living like Gomer?
-how might we be cheating on god?
4.John 3:17 - What is God's plan for his adulterous people?
5.Is there someone that is hard to love that god might be calling you to love, how can you love them better?