Jesus Washed Judas' Feet

May 17, 2023    Michael and Ali Fitzgerald

Last week, Jesus challenged us to love others by putting them first. When we consider their needs above our own or are willing to sacrifice to meet the needs of others, we live out the second great commandment– READ Matthew 22:37-40

As if putting others first isn’t hard enough, sometimes loving others is made even more difficult because of the way they treat us.

Watch as we unpack our Timeless Truth: we love others even when they don’t deserve it. We love others when we put our enemies first!


How do you think Jesus & Stephen were able to show love to the people that were betraying them even though they didn’t deserve it?

Is there ever a situation where we should not extend love to others? Explain your answer. 

What do we do in a situation where a non-believer has wronged us?

What do we do in a situation where a fellow believer wrongs us?