Overcomer: Family Tree

Dec 7, 2022    Michael and Ali Fitzgerald

This month, we’ll focus on the birth of Jesus. He’s the Overcomer for the outcast, the overlooked, the outsider, and all. Understanding the Timeless Truth of Jesus’ birth and all that moment in time overcame helps us understand the magnitude of the angel’s message during Jesus’ arrival, which is our theme verse all month long:  Luke 2:10b-11 | I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! 


Read Matthew 9:9-13 | use this text to answer the following questions. 

In what ways do you feel like an outcast (like Matthew)? In what ways do you profile someone as an outcast (like the Pharisees)?  How are we supposed to approach the outcast (like Jesus did)?