Moses Doubts
When we left Moses last week, he was standing in front of the burning bush, where God the Son, from inside the bush, has revealed to Moses that He is ready to rescue the Israelites from slavery and He is going to use Moses to do it.
Moses isn’t sure that he’s the right guy for the job– Exodus 3:11 | But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?”
So will God force Moses to go and speak? No! God doesn’t want us to follow Him out of compulsion.
Our Timeless Truth today is: God can do ANYTHING through you.
In what ways do you doubt God's leading in your life? In what ways do you doubt yourself in what He is calling you to do?
What is God calling you to do right now (explain your answer)? How are you being obedient to that call? If not, what's holding you back?
What confidence does Moses's story give us when we experience doubt?