Jericho and Rahab
At long last the Israelites are at the threshold of realizing entrance into the land long promised to them, but the strongly fortified city stands in their way. How can a group of wandering Israelites defeat the city of Jericho and begin to claim the land? The battle plan is unique and is not instantaneous. Join us for session fifteen as we discuss how to wait for the victory God has promised and the unlikely heroes, like Rahab, that God is fond of using.
Hebrews 11:30-31
Joshua 1:3-6
Joshua 2:9-11
Joshua 2:17-19
Joshua 3:10
Joshua 1:7-9
2 Corinthians 5:17
1. What struck you most about this week’s lesson and homework?
2. Why are the Israelites commanded to be strong and courageous? Why do you think the conquering of Jericho required faith?
3. How does Rahab’s decision to hide the spies demonstrate faith?
4. Victory for the Israelites was not immediate, however they were called to walk in obedience until victory was secured. How does this apply to our own lives and the battles we face? What things should we do as we await victory?
5. Rahab the harlot is grafted into the line of Christ. What does this tell you about the power of Christ to cleanse and to redeem? How can you apply this truth to your own life?